West Chess
Seven Hills Academy is starting Quarter 1 of chess club on Monday, Sept 23rd 2024!! The chess club will be taught by National Master William Harrison of West Chess. We will meet in a room to be determined on Mondays from 3:40 - 5:25. Quarter 1 starts Sept 23rd. West Chess is dedicated to the instruction and appreciation of the game of chess. Chess club is a fun time for new and experienced players grades K-5. We will learn opening, middle game and endgame strategies. New and inexperienced students are welcome. All students will earn points for participation an achievement in chess club and will win PRIZES!! Come join us and make new friends and enjoy old ones!!
Dates of the 4 quarters of Chess club 2024-25 are:
Q1: Sept 23, 30; Oct. 7, 14, 21, 28; Nov 4;
Q2: Nov 11, 18, 25; Dec 2, 9, 16; Jan 6;
Q3: Jan 13, 27; Feb 3, 10, 24; March 3, 10;
Q4: March 17, 24; Apr 7, 14, 21, 28; May 5 (PIZZA PARTY!!)
The cost of the club is $135 per student per quarter. You may pay for Q1 or all 4 Quarters at www.mnwestchess.com or at the site the day of chess club. All equipment, and an after school snack are provided. Note that registration fees are non-refundable. If you have any questions, please call me (NM William Harrison) at 612-306-5560 or email me wbchessguy@gmail.com